Re: Extropianism : Why *Anarcho*-Capitalism?

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 09:27:14 MDT

>This is why there are so many dreams floating about among libertarians
>about starting one's own country somewhere (in the ocean, in space, on
>the net, in some autonomous zone) so they could get the bootstrapping
>started. A more realistic approach would be to gradually decrease the
>amount of stuff the government is doing, back to the minimum. Once in
>that neighbourhood PPL might be easier to implement and far more
>likely to be considered by people.

Since we pay politicians (through taxes) to spend their full work days
thinking of new laws to restrict our lives, we have a two-fold
problem: reduce the bureaucrats/politicians and reduce the number of

Some countries including the 'newer' countries formed in the last
fifty or sixty years are actually running laws that date from before
the time of their formation (I'm thinking of present-day Germany, for
example, if you consider its formation as the time that the Allies let
West Germany run its own affairs).

I've thought alot about this, Anders, and I don't have any good ideas
about where to begin. It would require changing the mindset of the
many folks that elect all of these people so that they might begin to
think that MAYBE _some_ of these elected officials are not as necessary,
after all. Otherwise, if these office positions are emptied, I think
that people, under their current ways of thinking, would quickly elect
more people to fill those positions up again.

In essence, we are asking (or maybe trying to demonstrate) that
self-responsibility is a good trait to cultivate in oneself, and it's
not something that one can really teach. The interest has to come from
the other side, so that person is interested in learning more about it.
For us here, the task might be, how to show 'self-responsibility' as
appealing, instead of something that just looks like hard work...


Amara Graps, PhD             email:
Computational Physics        vita:
Multiplex Answers            URL:
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
       --Anais Nin

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