Re: War with Iraq?

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Sun Sep 15 2002 - 03:44:17 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:

> > 2. The Europeans will be happy, e.g. the French can
> > return to their potentially profitable investments
> > in Iraq, and the Germans don't have to worry any
> > more about what to say about the proposed invasion.

Harvey Newstrom answered:

> Most Europeans are still waiting for some sort of evidence against Iraq
> before they support such a move. If there is evidence, they would prefer
> the UN act as a international force. European support for a US invasion is
> in the minority.

Last week Tony Blair seemed to be ready, willing and able to let the British "pay our
death toll"
I just couldn`t believe my ears - Bill, or any UK extropian: correct me if I'm wrong
with my quotation - though more than 70 % of the English vote against an Iraq invasion.
I know it must sound naive, but it`s so disgusting to hear a respected man say these
words knowing that he himself will not loose a single drop of blood, leaving this to the
young boys.

In Germany we have more than 80 % of the population against this war.Chancellor
Schroeder and Secretary of State Fischer repeat it every day: there will be no war
machinery support from Germany if USA/UK goes against Iraq.

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