Re: War with Iraq?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Sep 14 2002 - 18:09:06 MDT

It was probably tremndously tongue in cheek but..

Lee Corbin wrote:
> In discussing what the U.S. should do, perhaps in conjunction
> with a number of European nations, I suggest that if it's not
> too bloody, then invading Iraq might make everyone happy.

It will most certainly be bloody and establish very evil
precedents and conditions.

> 1. The Iraqis (except the top henchmen) will be happy
> because they get to get rid of their ruthless tyrannical
> leader, and get on the path of Western enlightenment
> (i.e., profits and progress).

The Iraqis have suffered and died at the hands of the sanctions
and attacks on their country for a decade now. Yes their leader
leaves much to be desired. But even more so there treatment at
the hands of especially the US and Britain greatly taints any
belief that "enlightenment" exists in the West.

> 2. The Europeans will be happy, e.g. the French can
> return to their potentially profitable investments
> in Iraq, and the Germans don't have to worry any
> more about what to say about the proposed invasion.

Dropping the sanctions would have returned many potentially
profitable investments and would have been a much greater
inducement to the people of Iraq to embrace progress and
peaceful commerce. They would shrug off Saddam themselves if
the chains were taken off their economy and lives that have been
imposed externally. But it is apparent that we don't really
care about the well-being of Iraqis.

> 3. The Americans will be happy, because once again they
> get to write a new Constitution for somebody else's
> nation, like they did with Japan, a nation that now
> seems quite happy with how everything turned out.

Iraq is far far different from Japan. The culture is not as
uniform or as devoted to fairly singular view of what true
progress and the good life is.

> 4. The far left will be happy, because they'll have
> something to rail against for at least a decade,
> inveighing caustically against the latest outrageous
> example of American imperialism.

Those of us who care about peace and reasonable order among
nations will not be happy because of this huge and unnecessary
insanity. But hopefully, we will all speak up and do so

> So as I am starting to see it, it looks like a good thing
> all around.

Yeah, right.

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