RE: War with Iraq?

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat Sep 14 2002 - 14:27:19 MDT

In discussing what the U.S. should do, perhaps in conjunction
with a number of European nations, I suggest that if it's not
too bloody, then invading Iraq might make everyone happy.

1. The Iraqis (except the top henchmen) will be happy
   because they get to get rid of their ruthless tyrannical
   leader, and get on the path of Western enlightenment
   (i.e., profits and progress).

2. The Europeans will be happy, e.g. the French can
   return to their potentially profitable investments
   in Iraq, and the Germans don't have to worry any
   more about what to say about the proposed invasion.

3. The Americans will be happy, because once again they
   get to write a new Constitution for somebody else's
   nation, like they did with Japan, a nation that now
   seems quite happy with how everything turned out.

4. The far left will be happy, because they'll have
   something to rail against for at least a decade,
   inveighing caustically against the latest outrageous
   example of American imperialism.

So as I am starting to see it, it looks like a good thing
all around.


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