Re: No Internet, No Transhumanism

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 19:15:44 MDT

At 01:50 PM 9/8/02 -0400, Harvey wrote:

"It is sometime depressing how little history people know about
transhumanism and technology in general. We see the same new ideas, the
same new inventions, and the same new proposals year after years, sometimes
decade after decade. People think all this great stuff is new. They have no
idea how old some of this stuff is. Everybody seems to assume that what
they just discovered today was invented yesterday"

Without the Internet, there would be transhumanists. Thank you
Harvey. Does anyone really think that the Internet was the only venue for
spreading transhumanism? If so, then you are missing out on a marvelous
period in which transhumanism started and also accomplished a decade or so
before the Internet. Some venues were books, magazine articles, radio,
schools and television. Some of us were on TV talking about transhumanism
long before the Internet took hold. Thanks to PBS, BBC, TLC NBC, CBS, etc.
all covered transhumanism.

I'm afraid Anders, who I hold in very high regard, missed the cue on this
one. Yet, Anders is correct in that the Internet has been a vital venue
for helping to spread the ideas of transhumanism.


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