Re: Reparations: i dont see how the halycon say that

Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 20:20:44 MDT

In a message dated 9/8/2002 8:43:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes: Go read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" if you
haven't already. Then we will talk

       No, then realise that it all started two or three centuries before
BMHAWK and continued even after the 2nd hassle at wounded knee. The last one
I heard of was white townspeople trying to bulldose a Mohawk grave yard to
build a golf course. The immediate threat was stopped only by rifle shots
and the long run threat of course was settled by the courts. I don't even
count the constant skirmishes over fishing and hunting rights the indians
have maintained under various treaties. It is only within the last few
decades that an Indian had a legal right to be physically in the state of
       Most folks know that the Cherokee have a group in Oklahoma and another
on a reservation in North Carolina. I am told the largest group was "The
Lost Cherokee." My family was among that group. We had no right to be
anywhere but in Oklahoma so we saw the trend early -- sort of like
anticipating the singularity -- and went out into the white community and
went underground.
       We pulled it off by claiming we were Black Irish and everything under
the sun except Cherokee, that we denied. The oppression, should we admit our
identity, was so severe that it is only within the last few decades our old
folks would tell we younger ones who we were. Our best source of information
has turned out to be the internet.
       After all that we can then talk.
Ron h.

You put in a good word, Samantha.

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