Re: We are all Jews

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 00:26:32 MDT

Hubert Mania wrote:
> As an act of solidarity I propose, ExI should send these morons a mail
with the names of
> all Extropian@ subscribers with a colon behind each name and the word
"Jew" behind it.

I really like this idea! Anders also made a good point about how the Nazi
plans to mass murder jews in Denmark were foiled by it's courageous
citizens, and this would be in a similar vein. In fact, because of my
facial features, I sometimes get asked if I am part jewish. To the best of
my knowledge I am not, but I always wanted to be. It is a race/subculture
which is fascinating to me, and that I really respect.

I remember as a Mormon missionary, I had a companion who was jewish. He was
one of the brightest and toughest(in a humble way) people I have ever known.
He had actually gotten the U.S. Army to put him on a two year
leave(virtually unknown when serving as an active duty officer), so he could
serve a mission. Elder Merriman had a Gary Sinise feel to him in body and
personality. I sometimes wonder what became of my friend.

I only got reacquainted with my biological father a few years ago(and only
by phone). I should ask him if his scandinavian ancestors were in fact at
all jewish. I want to join the club!

best wishes,


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