Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Brian Phillips (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 23:48:32 MDT

FWIW: I am chiming in again because Mr. Williams
is apparently rather frustrated and it's not appropriate
for his comments on veterans to be taken as representative
of at least one class of veterans (i.e. the ones who have not
yet been discharged)

From: Brian D Williams <>
Subject: Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

>From: Amara Graps <>

>This was your choice.

And some people on this list are doing their very best to make me
try and regret it.>>

No Brian, you are being disagreed with.

>Many people here have stories of themselves or people close to
>them who have struggled (chosen freely) very hard for many years,
>often under the conditions that you wrote above. (You know that
>you've described normal life (or a pretty good life) for many
>people on this planet, anyway.)

>For those that we know, are you claiming that an engineer's
>struggleor a doctor's struggle, or a mother's struggle, or a
>writer's struggle, or a farmer's struggle is not as valuable as a
>soldier's struggle?


Lets play trading places then shall we?

Ask any of the above how willing they are to trade places with,
lets say, the wounded Navy Seal who fell from his chopper during an
emergency liffoff and was captured and executed by the Taliban.
Where were his Geneva convention rights by the way?>>

  His Geneva convention rights were violated by the former
American proxies (armed largely by American foreign intel ops)
as a result of his prescence in a region motivated by a terror strike from
a US intelligence asset gone rogue. Talk to the shrub about his
Geneva convention rights. Hell talk to the Shrub's dad.

<<Or any of the others that died or were wounded in Afghanistan, or
Desert Storm, or Somalia, or Grenada, or the 55,000 that died or
the 400,000 wounded during Vietnam?>>

Vietnam vets were drafted, not volunteers (well not most of them)
and those that were wounded were VICTIMS. Mourn their suffering
but don't allow it to prejudice your view of those who declined
victimhood for tawdry promises and betrayal at the end of suffering
in a godforsaken place surrounded by enemies.

<If their struggling so hard, tell them to quit what there doing and
join the military and live the "easy" life.>>

Stop it. This is foolishness talking. You need lots of zazen right away.

>Who gave you the authority to claim that _your_ struggle is more
>valuable than other people's struggles? Your weapon that you used
>might not have existed if it were not for that particular
>engineer's struggle. You might not be alive today if it were not
>for the 'sacrifices' and struggles (freely made) by a distant
>relative in your past. Perhaps the struggles of that farmer
>contributed significantly so that your family had food to eat. Or
>maybe the struggles of that scientist that learned how to
>vaccinate against against a particular deadly virus is the reason
>that you're alive today too.

Without Veterans this country would not exist. Next time there's a
9/11, call an engineer.>>

That's exactly what we should have done. We should have called
the safety engineers and the fireman and the doctors and the parameds
and gotten everyone still alive out and then we should have mourned
the dead and forgotten Osama ever existed. Calling out the
dogs of war makes things far worse. If anything we should have
called the lawyers and the prosecutors and given military
trials for treason to the people who funded the terrorist when
he was a young and up-and-comer.

>I see no reason why these other people's 'struggles' are not just
>as valuable as the struggle that you're claiming as a soldier.

Become a soldier, you'll understand.


I am a soldies. I am STILL a soldier. Unless you carry shrapnel
or are disabled I have the moral right to call you into account.
Drop the thread's not worth the hypertensive effects

(the other) Brian
(who is also a member of ExI and the NRA but isn't using it
as a tag line LOL)

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