
From: Greg Burch (gregburch@gregburch.net)
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 08:18:33 MDT

To anyone who may be reading this list as a result of information spread
on racist electronic forums:

Extropy Institute opposes all forms of racism as primitive and
regressive thinking. Racism in all its forms is based on simplistic and
clearly wrong generalizations from a small number of superficial
physical characteristics, and serves as a substitute for real thought
and analysis of the complex web of cultural, historical and biological
factors that make up human life.

Although this is an open forum, racists are not welcome here and their
shallow ideas play no part in extropian thought or values. Extropianism
as a set of values encourages tolerance and diversity, and these values
are utterly antithetical to any and all forms of racist thinking and
action. If any person through a complete disregard for the substance
and meaning of the Extropian Principles were to articulate a connection
between extropianism and racism, they are at best deeply mistaken and at
worst intentionally hostile to the Extropian Principles.

Greg Burch
Vice-President, Extropy Institute

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