Re: within is that Kingdom of God?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 03:44:00 MDT wrote:
> Samantha wrote
> Verily, it is written,
> "The Kingdom of God is within you."
> - samantha
> I have discussed this verse with experts. There is controversy, particularly
> by conservative Christians, who see the above translation as a kind of
> new-age interpretation inclining the reader towards navel-gazing.

Well, frankly, the Conservatives should check the mystics of all
religions including their own. Most of the gospel makes know
sense with the above. They should also compare themselves to the
Pharisees their gospels have Jesus railing against for much of
his career and see if they recognize their brothers. 8-}

> Some translate the text as
> "The Kingdom of God is in the midst you."

Doesn't even scan.

- samantha

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