Re: META: Our open list

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 03:24:34 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> [snip]
> I don't want to discuss politics. I don't want to discuss religion.
> I don't want to discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a
> pin. I don't want to discuss whether the soul survives cryonics. I
> don't want to discuss a million issues that could be discussed. I
> especially don't want to discuss topics that cannot and will not be
> resolved here. They only cause flame-wars and have no chance of
> resolution. Examples would be:
> - Are guns good or bad?
> - Are gays born or made?
> - Are some races inherently brighter than others?
> - Are some religions inherently more violent than others?
> - Are some political parties inherently more trustworthy than others?

...Last weekend, I introduced a friend to the ExI list (ie I let her
read all the most recent posts over the last month or so) because she
most definitely believes in the extropian principles but didn't know
there were any such groups as this one. I thought she would be delighted
to find some like-minds to talk to. She said, (I quote)..."This is a
list about politics, mostly american politics. I'm interested in
cryonics, longevity, calorie restriction, the possibility of uploading
and stuff. Okay, these subjects are mentioned sometimes, but I couldn't
wade through all that politics. It's like panning for gold, but there's
_so much_ sand!"
She didn't join.
...Would it not be possible to have a seperate list for political /
religious discussion so those of us not interested could stay off it?

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