Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 09:46:23 MDT

>From: Michael Wiik <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:
>> There is no other job in this or any other country that even
>>begins to approach, or compare, with the life of a soldier.
>> It is infinitely more honorable. I do not expect you to see or
>> understand this. The difference is what makes a soldier.

>Well, we're not gonna even begin to "understand this" as long as
>you are doing what seems to me a lousy job of explaining it to us.
>From what you say here it *seems to me* much more a case of the
>psychological conditioning you received in training. Of course
>they want you to feel special. Of course they want you to feel
>honorable. It's all part of the program, isn't it?

Before I went to Marine Corp bootcamp I read every book written
about the subject. Bootcamp was completely different.

Somethings have to be experienced rather than explained, no one can
explain them very well, words can't do every job. This is what Zen
is all about.

I would recommend if you are serious about this to start with
Heinleins book "Starship Troopers". It's the book that led to my


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