RE: MEDIA: Globalism, end of Socialism causes of jobless recovery

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sun Sep 01 2002 - 00:36:34 MDT

Max More writes

> Many of the following comments on this thread could be rewritten, replacing
> current job losses with earlier losses in agriculture, textiles, and so on.
> The lack of economic historical perspective startles me.
> Am I on the right list???

My first impulse was offer condolences, and admit that sadly
you were on the *right* list. On second thought, recall that
socialism can be understood by a five-year-old: "we should
all share, and anyone who doesn't share is bad."

But a number of people with BA's economics don't understand
how free markets work, or how capitalism achieves its ends.
It's not simple (as subsequent posts on this thread confirm).

The yells of "400,000 lost jobs!" do remind one of Buchanan's
metaphor of the "great sucking sound" that we'll all hear as
a result of NAFTA's passage, the sound of all those jobs going
to Mexico. In America at least, the unemployment figures
remain virtually constant.

Yes, economies change, and what jobs people perform in a
country change over time.


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