RE: Psych/Philo: Brains want to cooperate

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 21:57:56 MDT

Rafal writes

> gts wrote
> > Can you quote specific results from the article, excluding
> > any role for the cortex in anhedonia (not merely pointing
> > to mesolimbic involvement, which I do not deny)?
> The researchers in this report were not attempting to prove the role of the
> mesolimbic dopamine system in reward experience. They stated it as an
> introductory statement, in order to inform the reader of an established
> scientific fact.
> ### You are beating a dead horse. Please peruse my previous
> posts, so as to avoid straying from the subject (which is,
> the role of the cortex in the subjective experience of pleasure).

Rafal, like gts (though less well-informed), everything that I
have ever heard confines emotions to the limbic system. Probably
also like him (fat chance he's a she) I don't feel like perusing
all the many pointers in all your previous posts.

Could you give any specific one of them that indicates a role
of the cortex in subjective experience of emotion?


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