Re: Winston Churchill the War Criminal?

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 13:48:52 MDT wrote:

>spike66 writes: ...Are we not always simply reading someone's
>You know Spike, you are raising the very questions I ask myself every time I
>see one of those movies or books that are based on some dastardly CIA plot.
>...Do you suppose the CIA is promoting
>those stories just to muddy the water? Ron h.
Ja, it is a well-known dastardly CIA plot, to make themselves look
like dastardly plotters. Its a trick, you can be sure. Even if the CIA
declassified and released its own secret file about some sneaky
trick, how would we know that the released file is not itself another
sneaky trick?

Every nation on this planet and even large corporations must
have something analogous to a CIA. Families and even individuals
have secret agendas. What about it? Is there *anything* about
yourself that you keep under wraps? Or that you present in such
a way that people assume things other than the way they are?

How are we ever to know, this side of the singularity and perhaps
after it, the real truth?



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