RE: Winston Churchill the War Criminal?

From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 07:26:12 MDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Broderick []
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Winston Churchill the War Criminal?

At 12:02 AM 8/30/02 -0400, John Clark wrote:

>The murderous regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia was overthrown not by the USA
>but by North Vietnam.

And like the demonic Iraqi headman of the Axis of Evil, the murderous
regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia was arguably *installed* by the USA. Aaiiieee!

Damien Broderick


Maybe if you think the bombing of north vietnamese controlled territories in
cambodia by a foriegn country (the US) would actually cause people to rise
up overthrow their OWN government (cambodia) and slaughter 1/4 - 1/3 of
their own population TWO YEARS after the bombings ceased and one year after
cambodia had re-opened diplomatic relationship with the US. If you are a
chomsky reader, you may very well beleive this to be a rational
interpretation of the events. However, it was soviet tanks and guns in the
hands of Pol Pot's Khmere Rouge that overthrough Lon Nol, not US tanks and

What is this blaming the US for Pol Pot's murderous Regime instead of Pol
pot, the person in charge of the murderous regime? Or blaming the US instead
of the soviets (Via north vietnam) for giving him the guns and tanks he
needed to carry out his murderous plot. Yeah, sounds like the US is to
blame to me.


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