Re: American Education (answer to Greg Burch)

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 10:12:53 MDT wrote:
> Yes, all of those men from Taylor, Ford or Lenin seemed to think that the
> world should work like a factory. I am doing some of them a disservice no
> doubt but it is hard to distinguish which one I am harming. But Taylor and
> Ford seemed to accomplish a lot of good.

Not to be persnickety, but we're talking about the same Ford right,
mentioned in these quotes:

<<Hitler received a mild and comfortable prison sentence for his
Bavarian revolutionary activities. The rest from more active pursuits
enabled him to write Mein Kampf. Henry Ford's book, The International
Jew, earlier circulated by the Nazis, was translated by them into a
dozen languages, and Hitler utilized sections of the book verbatim in
writing Mein Kampf.


A decade later, in August 1938 — after Hitler had achieved power with
the aid of the cartels — Henry Ford received the Grand Cross of the
German Eagle, a Nazi decoration for distinguished foreigners.>>


<<A compelling part of Baldwin's story is Ford's status as a "role
model" for Hitler. Twelve years before he took office, Hitler hung a
portrait of Ford in his office in Munich. A copy of The International
Jew, in German, greeted visitors.

When Hitler exited prison, the first birthday present he received was
Ford's autobiography in German. The only American mentioned in Mein
Kampf is Ford. Hitler described him, Baldwin recalls, as the only
American "who truly understands what we are trying to accomplish here in
Germany." In a 1923 interview, Hitler dubbed Ford "the leader of the
growing fascist movement in America.">>

Ya know, I never learned this side of Ford in
history^H^H^H^H^H^H^HSocial Studies class.



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