About Truth with a Capital "T" (was RE: American Education (answer to Greg Burch))

From: Lee Corbin (lcorbin@tsoft.com)
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 20:08:07 MDT

Harvey writes

> Whatever happened to "The Truth Will Set You Free"?
> I can't imagine technology professionals or scientists
> not being interested in Truth.

Forty years ago in the Bad old century, it would have
taken real balls to speak with such reification about
"the Truth". Positivism and the rest of the awful
"isms" of the 20th century were in full ascendency.

There's nothing wrong with thinking of truth as something
out there that we very badly want to get our hands on,
and to promote it to a real ontological status.

While perhaps in careful epistemological discussions I
would refrain from the use of capital-T truth, it shows
that one's heart is in the right place. And my hunch
is that realism and scientific materialism are now so
firmly in the drivers seat, that all the younger people
reading this wonder what all the fuss could have been


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