Re: The EU's looming Accounting Scandal

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 08:21:59 MDT

>From: "Technotranscendence" <>

>>Brian D Williams

>> Gee, if you'd have asked us 40 years ago we could
>> have saved several fortunes, and you'd all be
>> speaking fluent Russian by now.

>First, who is this "we"? Are you a member of the US Federal
>government? Do you make policy for it?

I am a former member of the U.S. military, and as anyone can tell
you there are no X-Marines, only former Marines. It was not my
assignment to make policy, but to enforce it, something much more
to be concerned with.

>Second, NATO was only supposed to last for a decade -- until
>Europe got back on its feet. Like all temporary government
>programs, it's shown amazing tenacity in not just clinging to life
past its mission but actually expanding.

You're confusing NATO with something else.

>Third, the Soviet threat disappeared over a decade ago. The
>remnant -- Russia -- can hardly hold itself together much less
>mount an invasion of Western Europe and teach all the locals to
>speak sputnik.

Fine, (yawn) like I said dismantle it.

>Fourth, since the statement was directed at me: I was born,
>raised, and continue to live in America. Technically, I'm a US
>citizen. I don't equate being critical of US government policy
>with being non-American or un-American. In fact, regarding the US
>government's imperial policy, I think those who support it are
>truly anti-American.

I am both a Citizen and a Veteran, and put 4 prime years of my life
on the line so you could express your opinion, so express away...

> I do support withdrawing U.S. troops from Europe
> as well as Asia or
> anywhere else by the way.

>I'm glad to see we agree on that.


Me Too Dan, since we often agree on other things, Cheers to you as


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