Re: Liberty vs. Utopia

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 08:23:11 MDT

>From: Damien Broderick <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:

>>On the other hand it can be a great time saver, in the above
>>mentioned example for instance, you would know both literally and
>>figuratively what "ammo" to pack.


>Shit, I think most if not all of the Aussie contingent on this
>list had better stay well away from any extropian gathering where
>Brian D Williams packs his "ammo", since we'd all (I estimate) be
>on the "liberal" or "left-winger" end of that calibration--it's
>just how things are in the Preferred Homeland.

When I was in Australia the only thing that got damaged was peoples
livers, (okay and 1 table, 2 chairs, and some glassware, but even
the owner agreed I didn't start it) and I believe the rule at
extropian gatherings is "leave your guns at the door" so you have
no reason for concern.

I believe your definition of "liberal" is closer to "socialist"
than to the classic version of liberalism I subscribe to.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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