Re: Uphold 9th Circuit Court Ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance Petition

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sun Aug 25 2002 - 00:39:03 MDT

From: "Mike Lorrey" <>

> Considering that the original 'additive free' pledge was written by the>
American who founded the National Socialism ...

Wouldn't that be Edward Bellamy? Francis Bellamy was Edward's first cousin,
and it was Francis who wrote the pledge of allegiance. (I may be wrong,
though ... and perhaps have been misinformed all these years.)

>... movement that spread around the world and caused so much bloodshed in
the last century ...

Religion, the military industrial complex, capitalism, elitism, and a host
of other "isms" - ALONG with certain forms of socialism in some countries -
all contributed to the bloodshed. And in this century it doesn't seem as if
socialism is the greatest threat to humanity - but, rather, the
true-believing immune-to-reason ancient superstitions.

> I support eliminating it entirely...

I wouldn't mind eliminating it entirely myself. But realistically, and for
now, I think the courageous court decision could use our support (and we
nontheists could use more publicity, to say the least).

> I like my own (posted here a few weeks ago)
 much better, thanks.

Be that as it may, let's hope the religious right "pro-lifers" don't change
the pledge to make it even worse (this is only slightly facetious):

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the
Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all, born and unborn.'


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