Re: The EU's Looming Accounting Scandal

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 15:58:49 MDT

On Friday, August 23, 2002 10:47 AM Brian D Williams
>>A much quicker way to lessen Washington's power
>>would be for European nations to get out of NATO
>>and ask US troops to leave. The latter would
>>certainly cut down on the incidence of rapes,
>>injuries, and deaths caused by US military forces
>>in Europe.)
> Gee, if you'd have asked us 40 years ago we could
> have saved several fortunes, and you'd all be
> speaking fluent Russian by now.

First, who is this "we"? Are you a member of the US Federal government?
Do you make policy for it?

Second, NATO was only supposed to last for a decade -- until Europe got
back on its feet. Like all temporary government programs, it's shown
amazing tenacity in not just clinging to life past its mission but
actually expanding.

Third, the Soviet threat disappeared over a decade ago. The remnant --
Russia -- can hardly hold itself together much less mount an invasion of
Western Europe and teach all the locals to speak sputnik.

Fourth, since the statement was directed at me: I was born, raised, and
continue to live in America. Technically, I'm a US citizen. I don't
equate being critical of US government policy with being non-American or
un-American. In fact, regarding the US government's imperial policy, I
think those who support it are truly anti-American.

> I do support withdrawing U.S. troops from Europe
> as well as Asia or
> anywhere else by the way.

I'm glad to see we agree on that.



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