Re: Singularity over a curry: ExtroBritannia London (UK) meeting

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 06:47:33 MDT

I an SO excited about this! According to the following email, the
Singularity is not only around the corner, but also about 50
yards down Piccadilly on the left hand side!! : )

estropico wrote:

>The theme of this month's get-together can not fail to raise the pulse of any
>THE SINGULARITY - is it around the corner, or we'll all need
>cryonic suspension to have a chance to see it? Will it be an
>instant singularity or a swell of increasing innovation? Is it really going
>to be a curtain in time beyond which not even a glimpse is possible? Will it
>be heaven, hell, or something in between? And, last but not least ;-) did
>Vernor Vinge kill off hard science-fiction as a genre, with his seminal paper
>on the Singularity?
>>From Piccadilly Circus, it's about 50 yards down Piccadilly (on the left
>handside). Once inside take the stairs on the right, down to the lower floor
>cafe': the cafe' will be right in front of you.
>(please note the link might have been broken in two)
>If it's your first time at an ExtroBritannia meeting I'll be the guy clearly
>displaying a copy of Kurzweil's "The Age of Spiritual Machines" on the table
>we'll be sitting at. We will move to the restaurant for lunch at about
>12,45. If you prefer, you can show up directly at the restaurant ("Chowki" -
>the table is booked for 1 o'clock, under the name "Fabio").
>2-3 Denman Street,
>London W1D 7HA
>(Nearest Tube Station: Piccadilly Circus)
>Tel. 020 7439 1330
>If are not interested in having lunch and just want to come along for the
>meeting, you can join us at the restaurant at about 2-2,30pm for coffee (or a
>pint) and mind-stretching discussion (but don't leave it till too late as we
>will likely decamp to a pub somewhere).
>This message was posted by estropico to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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