Singularity over a curry: ExtroBritannia London (UK) meeting

From: estropico (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 06:35:20 MDT

It's time for the August ExtroBritannia lunch and this time we are going to
debate the Singularity over a curry!

We'll meet on Saturday the 24th of August at 12 noon at the basement café of
Europe's largest bookshop (Waterstone's in Piccadilly, London)

The theme of this month's get-together can not fail to raise the pulse of any

THE SINGULARITY - is it around the corner, or we'll all need
cryonic suspension to have a chance to see it? Will it be an
instant singularity or a swell of increasing innovation? Is it really going
to be a curtain in time beyond which not even a glimpse is possible? Will it
be heaven, hell, or something in between? And, last but not least ;-) did
Vernor Vinge kill off hard science-fiction as a genre, with his seminal paper
on the Singularity?


>From Piccadilly Circus, it's about 50 yards down Piccadilly (on the left
handside). Once inside take the stairs on the right, down to the lower floor
cafe': the cafe' will be right in front of you.
(please note the link might have been broken in two)

If it's your first time at an ExtroBritannia meeting I'll be the guy clearly
displaying a copy of Kurzweil's "The Age of Spiritual Machines" on the table
we'll be sitting at. We will move to the restaurant for lunch at about
12,45. If you prefer, you can show up directly at the restaurant ("Chowki" -
the table is booked for 1 o'clock, under the name "Fabio").

2-3 Denman Street,
London W1D 7HA
(Nearest Tube Station: Piccadilly Circus)
Tel. 020 7439 1330

If are not interested in having lunch and just want to come along for the
meeting, you can join us at the restaurant at about 2-2,30pm for coffee (or a
pint) and mind-stretching discussion (but don't leave it till too late as we
will likely decamp to a pub somewhere).


This message was posted by estropico to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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