Re: Liberty vs Utopia

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 13:44:04 MDT

>From Michael Wiik:

>It seems to me that just getting government off our backs isn't
>sufficient to lead to a libertarian society. We also have to undo
>200 years of an evolving managerial class pushing a positivist
>systems-based approach to scientific advancement (as opposed to
>individual ingenuity) which (per Gatto) has spent this time
>indoctrinating folks to accept their lot in life is to submit to
>the corporate state. Now, *if* this is true, then it seems to me
>that an indirect approach is needed for a return of
>libertarianism, and that this indirect approach might require the
>assistance of all those groups that (at least some) extropians
>like to deride, as in green activists, anti-globalists, anti-GM
>people, right-wing christians etc, in a sort of *reverse
>enfolding* of the conditions that led us to our present state.

A whole bunch of people are not interested in achieving a
libertarian society, Democrats and Republicans being two of the
largest groups. Most of the groups you named aren't either.

Some of the groups we challenge (better than deride) we do so not
because they haven't spotted a problem, but because they may be
exaggerating it, or their solution is unacceptable.

Take "greens" for example, it doesn't take a genius to see we are
screwing up the earth, but the solution is not a return to some
idolized primitive state. For much better solutions see "Natural

Anti-globalists say globalization is wrong, and they have it half
right, globalization as it is currently often implemented
(especially by the IMF) sometimes has bad to disasterous
consequences, yet globalization has also done the human race more
good than anything since the invention of the free market.

Yes, enviromentalism, globalization and even capitalism have
serious problems, but the solution is to move forward not backward.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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