Re: In the News

Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 12:45:19 MDT


"" <> forwarded:

>>(A few creeps with Nazi-like or racist views have popped
>>up on the extropy list in the six or so years I've been monitoring and
>>participating in it; they are quickly seen off with reasoned argument and
>>scathing ridicule.)'"

>I haven't seen any reasoned argument around here with respect to race, or
even culture, for that matter--nothing but a hive of political

I didn't say write Cryofan. It was in a post by Damien Broderick as

"I directed Walter Truett Anderson to, by the way, and
commented: `It's a crying shame that James Hughes mentioned Nazis in his
list, since that loathsome doctrine is in fact about as far from `Extropian
Transhumanism' as one could conceive, but the misleading association will
doubtless stick. (A few creeps with Nazi-like or racist views have popped
up on the extropy list in the six or so years I've been monitoring and
participating in it; they are quickly seen off with reasoned argument and
scathing ridicule.)'"

However, there were some strong statements posted to provoke and debase
extropian transhumanists. Most of these people were spotted and are not on
the list today.

While one of the individuals who made some of these statements was a woman,
it by no means represents the views of extropians, especially females.
Both Sabine Atkins and I agree that ExI is highly supportive of womens'
contributions and collaborations.

Others who have posted intentional stabs at extropians were discovered to
be a group of anti-transhumanists who came on the list to toss around some


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