Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 20:38:30 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> --- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
>>Lee Corbin wrote:
>>>As Brian pointed out to me offlist, in an aside in a response
>>>to a question I asked, it seems funny that no one commented on
>>>what should be done, but only what *not* to do (i.e., we all
>>>agree that it would be a bad idea and quite wrong to nuke Mecca
>>>in return).
>>Other things that shouldn't be done:
>>we shouldn't turn America into more of a police state;
>>we shouldn't build internment camps for Muslims if the perps
>>appear to be Muslim.
> Nor should we allow anymore unlimited and unvetted immigration, nor
> should we allow the several hundred thousand illegals who are actively
> evading the INS in this country to continue to walk around freely.
> Those others who aide and abet these should also be treated as the
> illegal combatants they are under the Geneva Conventions.

Huh? I help someone from Mexico who doesn't have her papers in
order and I become an illegal combatant? Surely you need to
trim the rhetoric a tad here. Most of the illegals are Mexicans
  looking for some place where they can actually work and make a
bit of money. What do they have to do with anything?

>>>The U.S. government and others, having intercepted key communiqués,
>>>are aware of all this.
>>Can you say "conspiracy theory"? I knew you could.
> Can you say spysat? I knew you could.

I'm supposed to believe that some of my compatriots have enough
"need to know" that they know for a fact that such were
intercepted? No? Then it remains a conspiracy theory.

- samantha

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