Palestinian-Israeli dreams (was: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 09:10:15 MDT

On Sun, 18 Aug 2002 wrote:

> Quite true. I haven't been able to locate the New York Times poll that you
> have mentioned, though I spent quite a while looking for this poll. The only
> poll of any meaning, that I have located is at the following site:

I couldn't interpret your numbers, and can't seem to find the article
citing the poll (it may not have been in the NY Times), but here are
some related pieces:

Israeli, Palestinian Peace Activists Meet

Militants Reject Gaza-Bethlehem Deal with Israel

Fog of War
(Discusses the Palestinians highly divided over what they are fighting for).

The real problem, IMO, are the individuals on both sides who insist
they have a right to the "whole cake". If both groups would marginalize
them we might have a chance.


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