Re: Bioterrorist attacks (was: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?)

Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 13:25:23 MDT

Brian Atkins wrote:
> 3 days ago a new pathogen was discovered in several major cities which
> appears to be killing most individuals within 10 days.
> For some reason a certain group of individuals are spared (Arabs,
> whatever).
> In about 2 weeks vast amounts of people will be dead.

The best generic response to biowarfare is hygenic. If everybody has a
.22 micron air filter gas mask and plenty of mosquito repellent and
insecticide no disease will spread. We don't have that now, but we
certainly could. The big risk is that the first assault is an end-of-
civilization one. I expect somebody, somewhere, will use biowarfare
this century but as long as the first strike isn't too bad we will end
up OK.

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