Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 11:03:55 MDT

In a message dated 8/18/2002 11:18:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<<This whole nightmare scenario can still be avoided if America puts heavy
pressure on Israel to step into line with the various UN requirements,
withdraw from occupied territory, dismantle its illegal settlements &>>

Do you have any evidence that this would produce a general peace in the
middle east? Is that one of your goals, or is this notion of yours, a "good"
in and of itself? That peace or not, or Israel's destruction, these are all
acceptable goals for you? I ask this in the face an Islam whose goals are not
merely the Islamic occupation of post 1967 borders, but also pre 1967

<<So why no talk of invading Israel to bring about regime change???? And the
argument about "democracy" doesn't cut it because Bush wants Arafat replaced
even though he was fairly elected and has the Palestinian popular mandate.>>

Yes, it would be an interesting experiment, on who would win in such a
scenario, my guess is that it may not be the United States. However, talk is
the cheapest commodity, and action decides the truth. :-)

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