Pope warns of dangers of genetic engineering

From: David McFadzean (david@lucifer.com)
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 10:02:37 MDT


He said many people in the modern world live "as if God does not exist ... and
even puts himself in God's place."

On the same theme, he continued:

"(Modern man) claims for himself the creator's right to interfere in the
mystery of human life. He wishes to determine human life through genetic
manipulation anbd establish the limit of death....

[ed. yeah! :-]

"When the noisy propaganda of liberalism, of freedom without truth or
responsibility, grows stronger in our country too, the shepherds of the church
cannot fail to proclaim the one fail-proof philosophy of freedom, which is the
truth of the cross of Christ."

This message was posted by David McFadzean to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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