HEALTH: Summer Sad and Leukemia progress

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 14:26:22 MDT

Something I didn't know, the NY Times has an article
discussing summer seasonal affective disorder. While
not as common as winter SAD and having different symptoms,
it makes sense since there are dozens of genes regulated
by the circadian clock.

Seasonal Depression Can Accompany Summer Sun

Also of interest is the rapid progress on determining the mutations
that cause Gleevec to be ineffective:
Pinpointing The Mutations That Cause Resistance To Gleevec In Leukemia Patients

For those who are unaware of it, Gleevec is an example of a rather
stunningly successful designer drug for a specific chromosome
translocation that causes leukemia. Interestingly enough, French
researchers recently reported that it seems to partially restore
color to grey hair. Nobody has a clue as far as I can tell why
that seems to be true.


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