Re: Nature as Advertisement

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 12:32:19 MDT

-- Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
> On Monday, August 12, 2002, at 10:17 am, Michael Wiik wrote:
> > Small kids like dinosaurs because they realize (even if only
> > subconsciously), that as big as Mom and Dad are, a dinosaur could
> easily
> > tear them limb-from-limb or trample them underfoot. Purple TV
> dinosaurs
> > serve as early alienation training, in which affection toward
> natural
> > family is displaced by the dinosaur-led new 'family' of friends.
> Is this supposed to be a a humorous analogy? Or do you really
> believe that there is a conspiracy to destroy family values and
> brainwash kids?
> Are you claiming that advertising and Barney and the public school
> system are somehow all controlled by a single source for the same
> hidden agenda?

Harvey, it really isn't any question that the agendas of certain left
wing groups today (and political parties) are identical to the agenda
of the ComIntern for many decades. It also isn't any question that the
NEA is one of these groups. They have a greater degree of influence
over education laws, taxation and spending than any other group in any
other area of politics, and why not, they are a monopoly. They decide
what idiocy the kids get taught, and no matter what parents may want,
the teacher in front of one's children is the final filter on anything
the child learns.

Furthermore, one's teachers and peers at school have a far greater
degree of influence over a child's development than their parents do,
just looking at it from a time perspective. Teachers get 8 hours a day,
peers get 12-16 hours a day, TV gets 4+ hours a day, and parents, if
they are attentive, may get 4-5 hours, at most.

> This is a serious question. A lot of conspiracy theories seem to
> float around on this list. I can never tell if they are supposed
> to be jokes or whether people really believe in this stuff. I would
> like to start figuring out what conspiracy theories extropians
> believe in and why.

Do you believe that all conspirators must be aware of the existence of
the conspiracy and/or of the other conspirators?

If you do, then by your definition I doubt that there are many here who
believe in conspiracies.

I would define a conspiracy as a group or movement with publicly avowed
goals and policies that are used to explain away their actions, when
the actions are actually for another confidential purpose, with that
purpose not needing to be known by more than a handful of the top echelon.

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