Re: Nature as Advertisement

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 09:36:40 MDT

On Monday, August 12, 2002, at 10:17 am, Michael Wiik wrote:
> Small kids like dinosaurs because they realize (even if only
> subconsciously), that as big as Mom and Dad are, a dinosaur could easily
> tear them limb-from-limb or trample them underfoot. Purple TV dinosaurs
> serve as early alienation training, in which affection toward natural
> family is displaced by the dinosaur-led new 'family' of friends. Twelve
> school years of further alienation conditioning (often called
> socialization) results in a generation of easily led sheeple, perfectly
> willing to dig their own graves for the amusement of those in power.

Is this supposed to be a a humorous analogy? Or do you really believe
that there is a conspiracy to destroy family values and brainwash kids?
Are you claiming that advertising and Barney and the public school
system are somehow all controlled by a single source for the same hidden

This is a serious question. A lot of conspiracy theories seem to float
around on this list. I can never tell if they are supposed to be jokes
or whether people really believe in this stuff. I would like to start
figuring out what conspiracy theories extropians believe in and why.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP		<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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