Merchant of Death to the World

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 05:00:02 MDT

Now, Are We Good, or What?
by James Glaser

Strike up the band and get out the flags, 'cause the good old USA has
done it again. For the eighth year in a row, now tell me if this isn't a
record that will never be broken, America, the red, white, and blue is
again number

1. That is right NUMBER ONE, in both deliveries and new contracts for
"Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations." Doesn't that do
your patriot heart good? No one, not the Russians or even all those
pesky Europeans put together could even come close to Americas
superiority when it comes to helping those little guys get the weapons
that every developing nation needs so badly.

For the rest of this story, please see

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