Re: Seeking assistance on possible keyword searches on religious texts.

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 01:00:57 MDT

On Monday, August 12, 2002, at 01:12 am, Brett Paatsch wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I am currently in the middle of a lobby effort in support of embryonic
> stem
> cell research using surplus IVF embryos in Australia and I am
> considering
> how to best address the usual avalanche of extremist religious rhetoric
> that
> inevitably comes as part and parcel to this area.
> Can anyone out there assist by pointing me towards online editions of
> the
> Bible, the Koran, the Talmud(?) or whatever the Jewish tome is?
> I am hoping I may be able to do a keywords search for words such as
> embryo,
> foetus, "unborn child" etc just to see what the religious "authorities"
> have
> had to say or otherwise. It would be nice for me these tomes were in
> English.

I would suggest looking for the names or terms in Google with the word
"online", such as "Bible Online", "Koran Online" "Quran Online", etc.
If you can't find some of these online, I might be able to dig up a text
file version for you. The following are the different "sets" or
"canons" of scriptures that I can recall off the top of my head. Each
of these contains their own particular set of documents and are revered
by different groups.

        Assyria, Babylonian
        Old Testament
        - Torah, Moses
        - former Prophets
        - latter Prophets
        - Writings, Psalms
        Midrash, Commentaries
        Old Testament Apocrypha
        Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
        Dead Sea Scrolls
        New Testament
        - Gospels
        - Acts
        - Epistles
        - Revelations, Apocalypse
        New Testament Apocrypha
        - Gospels
        - Acts
        - Epistles
        - Revelations, Apocalypses
        Gnostica, Nag Hammadi Library
        Quran, Koran
        Qabala, Cabala, Kabbalah
        Midieval Grimoires
        Rennaisance Grimoires
        Golden Dawn
        Book of Mormon
        Church Fathers, Catholic Fathers

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP		<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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