POLITICS: Dealing with technology convergence

From: Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@aeiveos.com)
Date: Sun Aug 11 2002 - 19:59:30 MDT

In the recent NSF report on the convergence of nanotech,
biotech and infotech, there is a piece by Newt Gingrich

Pgs 7-24 of:

(Pgs 31-48 of the entire report).

Though Newt trips over the technical details on several
occasions, I think the political perspective is quite
interesting (and perhaps accurate).

It might be useful for some of the more active posters to
the Extropian list to read this from the context of whether
or not they are engaged in "political" speach (which has
a decreasing impact from Newt's perspective) or productive
speach which may contribute to the process of innovation.

The question to ask oneself is whether your channel has
become so stereotypical that people have switched to
a different one? As much as I love Spike, two hours
of prime factoring discussion will tend to drive my
attention in a different direction. :-)


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