Re: TECH: 1 TFLOP computing for home gaming...

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 10:29:44 MDT

Brian Atkins wrote:

>Charles Hixson wrote:
>>Unfortunately, game consoles are optimized for portability, and are generally so designed that you must buy any software you want to run from the manufacturer. Perhaps they'll decide to allow this one to become more general purpos, but otherwise it's only a pointer along the lines of "This is what we can build now", rather than something that it's reasonable to adapt to another use.
>I believe Sony sells some kind of "Linux kit" for the PS2, at least in Japan.
>>From the brief amount I read, it is said the PS3 will also be designed with
>Linux in mind.
 ( This is second or third hand information, so don't give it a high
trustworthyness value, but it's what I have heard reported.)
They do, but the restrictions on what can be done with it are rather
formidable. Basically, if you already have a PS2, then it makes a fun
add-on, but if you don't already have one, then it's a lousy reason to
buy one. Access to the hardware level is extremely restricted, etc.
 It's not reported to be a good development platform, even if you
already have the hardware. I'm not sure whether one can add a hard
disk, but one can't call the rom routines, as they are "sealed off".

-- Charles Hixson
Gnu software that is free,
The best is yet to be.

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