Re: Demarchy's promise

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 07:44:47 MDT

>From: "Technotranscendence" <>

>> wrote:

>>> Brian D Williams wrote:
>>>The problem is
>>>that the U.N. and its supporters are trying to evolve it into a
>>>World Government.
>>>Something I will fight tooth, fang, and claw.
>> I'm sure that will stop them.:)

This must have been in the days mail I accidentally deleted.

The good news is that I'm not alone, there are millions who agree
with me, and we're armed. :)

>> It was part of the original idea to have it be in some senses a
>> world governing or directing body over some domains in order
>> for nations to have some recourse other than war when they
>> disagreed and to act as a body for forming international
>> standards and addressing international concerns.

No, it was supposed to be a forum for working out problems, nothing
more, no governing. Like most good ideas it's been corrupted from
the start.

>Given that one world government would have much more power than
>anything else, I don't see how it could be checked. It might
>start out being tame and relatively benign -- the reason why
>people would advocate it and probably acquiesce to it -- but in
>the long run, it would decay and there would be little
>alternatives until somehow such a world state could be taken

I don't see it ever being tame or benign, the rest of your comment
I totally agree with.

>I kind of see this like Rome. The Romans were probably better to
>be ruled by in the short run than to be ruled by local and very
>arbitrary kings and the like. However, in the long run, Roman
>despotism was nearly unstoppable and only fell after hundreds of
>years of social decay. I certainly don't want to repeat the
>experiment and hope that we get it right this time. (For one
>thing, so few have seemed to learn the lesson and many, even on
>this list, seem to believe that if only they had power or if their
>system were in place, everything would be better or okay.)

Bullseye! Excellent analogy...


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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