Re: Psych/Philo: Brains want to cooperate

From: gts (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 16:39:16 MDT

Christopher Camp wrote:

>...Where a gene-based life form has an interest in social action
>that improves the likelihood of survival not just of the individual self but
>of the genetic material that marks the species. Dawkins selfish gene
>encourages 'altruistic' behavior in individuals because the self has a
>larger interest in securing the survival of the species and life in general.
Yes, this is exactly the argument I've been making here.

For those here who have not read Richard Dawkins...

Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene" is in my view a life-transforming book.
Dawkins' message is that, contrary to popular belief even among many
people in academia, biological evolution is not about the survival of
the fittest. It is not even about the survival of the species.
Biological evolution is entirely about the survival of *individual genes*.

This is an extremely important distinction to make, because without it
the theory of evolution cannot explain sacrificial behaviors, e.g.,
tipping at a restaurant, or crashing a commercial jet into the World
Trade Center. (Haldane's kin selection theory also applies here,
especially in the latter example.)

>Here is the link (finally)-

Interesting. However I'm not convinced of any real need for the concept
of memes.


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