Re: What is going on here?

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 00:10:37 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:

> But here's an even more interesting one, allegedly using Mach's Principle
> to generate weird fluctuating gravity states convenient for propulsion:

Saw a few points of confusion in there, for instance:
* Apparent confusion of weight with mass at a few points.
* Leaving out a few stages of the cycle (check the Figure 6 image:
   shows the transducer expanding and contracting, but doesn't show what
   happens to the whole system when the mass, or that which causes the
   mass, shifts from one end to the other).

Which isn't to say the entire subject is bunk, just that this particular
explanation of it seems to go nowhere.

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