EDGE: Rebooting Civ. 2

From: Spudboy100@aol.com
Date: Sun Aug 04 2002 - 15:14:33 MDT

According to the article, the full text will only be available at the end of
However, this was a July 21st meeting of Minsky, Steinhardt, Lloyd, Kurzweil,
and Guth, so it is noteworthy.


<<On July 21, Edge held an event at Eastover Farm which included the
physicists Seth Lloyd, Paul Steinhardt, and Alan Guth, computer scientist
Marvin Minsky, and technologist Ray Kurzweil. This year, I noted there are a
lot of "universes" floating around. Seth Lloyd: the computational universe
(or, if you prefer, the it and bit-itty bitty-universe); Paul Steinhardt: the
cyclic universe; Alan Guth: the inflationary universe; Marvin Minsky: the
emotional universe, Ray Kurzweil: the intelligent universe. I asked each of
the speakers to comment on their "universe". All, to some degree, were
concerned with information processing and computation as central metaphors.>>


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