Re: interning nukers

Date: Sat Aug 03 2002 - 20:17:36 MDT

Lee stated:>If a city goes up in a nuclear blast, I'm
>all for interning the suspect populations en masse as the US did the
>last time, and sorry we didn't do so preventively.>
>P.S. (sorry to be a bit provocative there
D. Broderick, in a humorous reply to Lee stated:
<<Provocative's right! You're telling us that the USA *interned itself* in
(I must be parsing that sentence wrongly.)
Damien Broderick >>
Gentleman, rather then embrace the fiasco of interring loyal Japanese
Americans as was done in WW2, perhaps we need only look back to 1918, when
the hysteria was primarilly about Deporting, rather then imprisoning. I am
refering to the 1st Red Scare during 1918. Why not deport Jihaddis, and do
not imprison anyone? No Islamist symps, no safe houses, no safe houses,
reduced risk on nuke detonation. Thusly, less of an opportunity to abuse
citizen rights. If the genuine baddies are back home in their 22 Islamic
paradises, they can be pissed at us there. I am explicitly refering to people
who are NOT citizens, and then people who are naturalized US citizens who
appear to have close ties with Al Qeida and the like.

Such an excercise need be done with considerable care and fore-thought, so as
to not throw the wheat out with the chaff. On the other hand, what has
government done so well, lately? But I see no other choice then to wait for a
successful attack, and then round up people for lockup. I surely don't wish
the USA become a 4th Reich when we can more easily deport the bums (assuming
we can correctly identify most) and fight our wars on their holy soil.

While I am obviously making out a list for Santa, lets include a feasible
energy policy and enhanced goodies in medicine and space.

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