Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 11:57:42 MDT

Mike Lorrey <> wrote:

> It must also be noted that the US has the most
> ethnically diverse society in the developed world.
> Minorities make up a majority of the prison population
> in most every developed nation, and in proportion to
> their percent of the overall population, explain the
> entirety of the significantly large US prison
> population.

Good point. Growing up in Norway, I saw a total of exactly one
dark-skinned person prior to emigration to the US at an early age. Much
the same applied during several childhood visits back. I went back for
an extended visit a couple of years ago, my first visit in 20 years. I
found it interesting how the intense desire for equality and liberal
socialistic beliefs had overcome core northern european racist attitudes
in regards to the large number of Pakistanis currently living there.
Hope was in seeing how readily norwegian kids interacted with the
pakistani kids, surprise and delight was in seeing pakistanis speaking
perfect norwegian. There are issues there with an increasing crime rate,
unfortunately. Norway I thought would have good reasons to avoid
liberalizing immigration: the country took in many German orphans after
WWI, at least some of which weren't exactly unenthusiastic about
germany's invasion of norway in 1940.



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