Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 10:25:41 MDT wrote:

>Right now the US has millions of people in jail for victimless
>crimes, and by the most conservative estimates unjustly
>taxes away hundreds of billions per year. Regulations impede
>progress with unknowable, but certainly severe effects.
>And the US is a pretty benign government to its citizens,
>as such things do.
I believe that the US has a larger fraction of it's citizenry in jail
than any other government, except, perhaps, for one or two extreme
autocracies. But we are told that it's for our own good. Perhaps the
term "benign" needs a bit of rethinking.

I find it hard to accept that there is any valid reason for the US to
have a larger percentage of its population in jail than any of the EUC

-- Charles Hixson
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