Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 02:11:17 MDT

In a message dated 7/31/02 23:07:10, writes:

> wrote:
>> We should criticize our government, and guard against a new
>> dictatorship; but lets not martyr the American people on the alter of
>> of protecting the rights of Jihaddis who dwell here.
>Roger that. It is not the government that takes away our
>freedom, it is the murderous fanatics. The bin Ladens,
>McVeys, Kaczynskis, the Taliban are the ones to blame.

Right now the US has millions of people in jail for victimless
crimes, and by the most conservative estimates unjustly
taxes away hundreds of billions per year. Regulations impede
progress with unknowable, but certainly severe effects.
And the US is a pretty benign government to its citizens,
as such things do.

Not to defend the murderous fanatics, but, bad as their
intents are, they're pikers in terms of how much damage
they do. The greatest danger to any human is their own

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