Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 00:52:50 MDT

Reasonable, and yet in this instance the enemy is external and not internal
in nature. If one has a successful oppostion party, one can limit the
excesses. However, the error of the US government was and is that it is not
doing enough rather then doing more to protect American citizens. A fair
number of Jihaddis have decided to dwell here in the states so as to better
take the battle to the Kaffir. This is not how I wish the world to be, but it
appears to be how it is. For example, Al Qeida attempted to set up a
training camp, or the putative training camp, set up especially(?) for
Muslims who wanted military training, in the Holy Land of Alabama in 2000 and
2001. Back to you.

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