Re: ECO: Saying Nay to the Doomsayers

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 12:51:45 MDT

On Tuesday, July 30, 2002, at 12:43 pm, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Uh, you are confusing discussions. Greenpeace is the
> most active part of the Green Party movement around
> the world.
> To counter your assertions and aspersions:
> forward_destination_anchor=%2faboutus%2f
> "Greenpeace organises public campaigns
> for:
> - The protection of oceans and ancient forests.
> - The phase out of fossil fuels and the promotion of
> renewable energy to stop climate change.
> - The elimination of toxic chemicals .
> - The prevention of genetically modified organisms
> being released into nature.
> - An end to the nuclear threat and nuclear
> contamination.
> - Safe and sustainable trade. "

You have changed your list of claims considerably. I am now in full
agreement that the above list comes from the Greenpeace website. I was
formerly disputing your previous list which was totally different and
could not be found on the Greenpeace website:

On Monday, July 29, 2002, at 03:52 pm, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Try the Greenpeace website(s). The Green agenda is
> only partly environmentalist. The rest is heavily
> socialist, as you can see by their support for
> nationalized health care, education, retirement,
> universal progressive taxation and nationalization of
> industries. They are also against the individual
> rights to self defense and to keep and bear arms, and
> for one world government.

Your long list of proofs that Greenpeace is politically active was
unecessary and undisputed.

> And, btw, Harvey, you haven't responded to my prior
> assertion about european energy taxes. What proportion
> of taxes on energy in europe has actually been used to
> fight global warming, and what portion has gone to
> welfare state socialism?

I must have missed this question. I have no idea. Why don't you do a
Google search? I'm not sure why this question is directed to me.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP		<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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