Re: Penology (was Microsoft as Slave Master?)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 09:32:29 MDT

"Phil Osborn" <> Wrote:

> Don't you have a right to put whatever you want in
> your own body, providing that you don't do it while
> driving or otherwise creating a risk for other people?
> Or have all the libertarians abandoned the list?

Talk about a straw man! Have you seen anyone on this list defending the drug
laws? I haven't.

> Here's the libertarian position: punishment doesn't
> work AND it's a violation of the rights of the
> recipient, no matter WHAT he or she did

Advocating positions that are obviously unworkable and not even well thought
out is the sort of thing that gives libertarians a bad name.

>making the criminal literally PAY for his stupid or
>vicious or mistaken behavior. That means
>restitution, putting things right.

It sounds good but won't work. Most criminals don't have any money nor the
skills to acquire any.

> Certainly there will be a small number of people who
> are so psychologically screwed up that they will
> always destroy more than they can possibly pay
> restitution for. Fine. Where do those idiots buy insurance?

People who think a lot about where they will buy insurance don't worry
me a great deal. I worry about those who think about where then will
buy quicklime to cover the decaying bodies when they start to pile up.

       John K Clark

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