RE: Hello extropians.

From: Max More (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 23:46:59 MDT

At 02:05 PM 7/28/2002 +1000, Paul McDermott wrote:
>[...] So far this list has been pretty much what I'd
>hoped: not too sectarian, not too impenetrable, with variety and good links.
>If there was an Extropian breakfast cereal, I'd buy it! ;-)

I don't know about Post of the Month, but I nominate that for a Quote of
the Month for the newsletter!

The Extropian Email List Cereal -- high fiber, fresh taste with occasional
recycled ingredients, extra hot additives that sometimes burst into flame,
for the refined cereal-eater. May contain excessive quantities of
Lorreyberries for some tastes. Screw the FDA Daily Requirements. Does not
mix well with stiff porridge. Get some today and receive our free Extropian
Decoder Ring!



Max More, Ph.D. or
Strategic Philosopher
President, Extropy Institute. <>

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